
You Were Our Motivator


As a family we have always been a tower built on a foundation of love, but how does a tower stand without one of its strongest pillars? On the 14th of June 2020 our world shook, immediately, there was an imbalance, and we simply don’t have a list of the to do’s. We didn’t get a chance to plan for this, but here we are, planning for the planner.

As it’s said often, that’s life, an no matter how hard we try to rewind, it is not a rehearsal, and we don’t get second takes. We have to accept that you are gone!!. We are still waiting to be woken up from this bad dream, but the calls…the persistent calls and texts prove that there is nothing but a bad reality.

We ask How?Why? Questions without answers. We are broken but our foundation is in the Lord, so we trust that He knows best. It may not have been our time, but it is your time, You fulfilled your purpose. You know the phrase we always used to testify God’s wonders in our lives; My God of Just Like That! Now we used it from a place of pain. Just like that you came, you saw, you conquered. Just like that… you are gone. Just like that, we now speak of you in the past tense. But your legacy, achievements, struggles, victories, accomplishments, the countless lives you touched and changed…these stories will never be told, “Just Like That”.

My Siisii, D-randy, My bro, My Baby Bro’s names we will never hear you speak again. My Baby Sis, My Motivator, My Protector, Twinny, My Everything, Our Kokoye names we will never say again.You called some of us “Egbon”, you called some of us “Baby” but you pushed each and everyone of us to be better and to excel. You were our motivator; our fierce protector. You taught us to not be part of the crowd by making each of us realise we were our won singular crowd.

You were always there for us, even when you didnt want or need to be. You loved us unconditionally and we loved you unconditionally. For those who know our family, there are simply no words to describe the love, bond and commitment to one another. Whenever we said ” I love you” it ended withAlways and Forever. Forever came to soon Ibidunni, but the “Always” will never change. Rest now Queen.

Your Siblings: Now and Forever

“Kokoye” as mummy called you. Where do I begin….Mama Ayo’s last born. You had so much love to give the world! You loved fearlessly!A beautiful soul on the inside and out.
You were only 13 when I was getting married, you were very excited like every little sister would be. I remember you telling me that you wish God gives you a man like Uncle Niyi. Well, He certianly did and He gave you much more.
Truly God sent you amongst us to impact the world, you did it so well!1 Even in death you are still impacting the world. Ibidunni you fulfilled the scrpture Phil 1:21 and ran your race well! God is now saying “Well done my good and faithful servant”
Your passing is very painful, it is heartbreaking and I’m saddened by it. However, I am assured by 1Thess 4:13

Good night my darling Aburo
-Joke Adewunmi


If one could wresle death I would have, even if it will cost my life instead of yours.You left so abruptly, yet with so many beautiful memories to share and cherish forever!
You were so dear, no matter when I need you, you were always near.
You gave us all you had to give, but most of all, you gave us love
The greatest gift of all (1 Cor 13: 13)

-DARE AJAYI (Brother)

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