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Whatever time of the day and whichever part of the world you meet Adenike Asabi Oshinowo popularly known as Nike Oshinowo, you cannot but be wowed. Her beauty is that real and timeless.

Raised in Ibadan and London, the lady once described by a celebrity journal as the sexiest woman alive has moved from being a beauty queen, restaurateur, fitness expert to pageant organizer, traditional title holder, wife and mother.

Ever since she entered our consciousness in the early 90s as the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria 90/91, she has continued to be a newsmaker. Though she hardly speaks, any time she does, she never fails to impress with her intellectual depth and candor.

In this special interview to mark her 55th birthday, Nike Oshinowo opens up about life, love and future plans.

What has been happening to Nike Oshinowo, you just dropped off the radar

I don’t know about dropping off the radar (Laughs heartily)

I needed to figure out where my true priorities laid. I had these two precious gifts I had been given – My Twins ; and I very much wanted to be part of their lives: fully.

Being a ‘celebrity’ mum or a Society mum or even a ‘Yummy Mummy’ just didn’t have much appeal to me.

As in all other situations, something’s gotta give . In my case what went was the partying and the social butterfly aspect of my lifestyle!

Is it true you now live permanently in the UK. If so what happened

My twins now attend Prep School in the UK and I want to be with them.

So I commute.

I essentially live in both countries -Nigeria and the United Kingdom.

It made for a heck of a lot of flying Pre COVID-19.

Like everyone else, I’m having to reevaluate our Pre pandemic lifestyle and make the necessary adjustments.

It is what it is.

Many years after you were a beauty queen, you tried to revamp the Beauty Pageant business. Tell us about that experience

Yes I ran the Miss Nigeria Pageant for a period of three years when its parent company- The Daily Times of Nigeria was taken over by Folio Communications.

During my three year stint, we were able to successfully rebrand the pageant and also successfully organized two shows.

That period remains the most hectic period of my life. My team and I toured Nigeria in a bid to reintroduce the Miss Nigeria brand to the Nation.

We garnered a phenomenal amount of support from both the people and the Nigerian Press which eventually translated into sponsorship deals.

But seriously, I don’t think I slept a wink in those three years !

Who are your role models and why

Sadly, I no longer look for or look to or even believe in role models.

We’re all such imperfect and complex beings…

Growing up my role models varied from Diana Ross and Princess Diana to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis , Mother Theresa and my mother .Then you read thier Biographies and disappointment sets in.

Now I find inspiration in everyday people and everyday occurrences. In the simplicity of nature and creation. Even in my 7year olds. Their adaptability and can do spirit. I’ve learnt a lot from them. It’s rather humbling….

I am told you will be 55, wow. How does it feel to be just 5 years away from 60

I’m 55 in December. In fact , by the time this publication is out I’ll officially be 55years old !

I love being 55. I love that I’m being given  the opportunity to live a completely different life from what I had before . It is a huge privilege and I’m beyond grateful.

I look forward to what 60years of age brings. Hopefully it will include good health and an abundance of Grace.

What are the key things you have learnt from life at 50

Just one very big lesson: That it’s ok to do it My Way !I’ve torn up the rule books and I’m just living the way I choose.

This is no flattery, you look stunning for your age. Let us into your beauty secret.

The first thing I noticed when I saw the pictures from the photo shoot was how much ‘lockdown weight’ I was still carrying.

And I’m ok with it.

The secret is : There is no secret.

I often sleep in my makeup because I’m too tired to wash my face before I fall into bed at night!

I eat all the things I’m not supposed to albeit in moderation.

I live simply and enjoy my life. Fortunately that involves exercise-a fair amount of walking and jogging.

In Lagos I jog across the Lekki-Ikoyi bridge at 6 every morning. In the UK, I walk and run in Ashdown Forest .

How will you describe your personal style

Simple, comfortable but always elegant.


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