Double Celebration For Hon. Niyi And Folake Oyemade

The pictures said it all. The joy, love and laughter that
exist in the household of Honourable (Prince) Adeniyi and Mrs. Folake Oyemade
knew no bounds. It was etched on their faces when they invited a select group
of family and friends to celebrate two momentous occasions in their lives.

Held inside the family’s new home in the posh Banana Island,
Ikoyi, Lagos, the double-header event was to mark the wonderful couple’s
renewal of marital vows as well as the birthday of the matriarch of the house,
Mrs. Folake Oyemade.

The invitation had counseled that it was a black tie
event-and so many of the guests which included a sprinkle of politicians and
business associates but mostly intimate family members arrived the venue decked
in sharp suits and ties, the ladies were more glamorous as expected, they
adorned assorted evening wear that was good feast for the paparazzi.

Knowing full well how extra-special this ceremony was, The
Oyemade’s did not leave anything to chance: the invitation card, the music, the
cocktail menu, the wine list and the gourmet meals were upscale.

As guests stepped into the venue, they were arrested by
soul-stirring music provided by top saxophonist, Yemi Sax. His medley of tunes
certainly gave an inkling of the excitement that was in store for guests that

They were then personally welcomed by the Patriarch of the
house, Prince Adeniyi Oyemade, who led them to the special cocktail area.
There, smart waiters served everyone assorted cocktails from mojito and fresh
fruit smoothies to chapman and fine wines. Guests were relaxed as they
networked and interacted gleefully. The Oyemade’s lovely water fountain
provided a scenic scenery for this segment of the celebration.

Since the main venue was an open-air arena, as soon as the
sun began to set, guests were ushered into the well-decorated area for the
festivities to begin.

It was the Oyemade’s well-manicured garden that had been
transformed into this heavenly party venue. Apart from the decor and fresh
flowers, the picturesque waterfront view of the venue presented a superlative
backdrop for the celebration-indeed the sea breeze that wafted into the arena
every now and then was soothing, very few people felt the mid January heat.

Formal proceedings were kicked off with prayers by Pastor
J.T. Kalejaiye, the  popular Pastor of
the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). The anointed man of God prayed for
continued love  in the family, immense
blessings from God and their continued dedication to the things of God.

As a family that takes God seriously in their affairs, there
was a session of spirit-lifting praise and worship. From the couple to their
children and the guests, everyone was soaked in the spirit and sang with one
voice. Mrs. Oyemade who chose a single shoulder black number for her first
dress of the evening was as attentive as her husband throughout.

With top comedian Basketmouth as compere, it was soon time
for a short sermon by Pastor J.T. Kalajaiye-and he touched many hearts with his
words of exhortation.



Speaking on the topic “Life is a loan and not a
gift”, Pastor Kalejaiye noted that ” contrary to  popular belief, Our life is a loan from God.
If life is a loan, it means  that all of
us are debtors. Life can be categorized into three. We have physical life, we
have the spiritual life (God formed, Satan came and deformed, but Christ have
come to transform). Then we have eternal or everlasting life.

“What is life? Some people say life is good, especially
people who live in Banana Island. And honestly, they are correct. Some people
say life is beautiful; life is short when one compares it with eternal life,
life is fragile, therefore, it must be treated with prayers. That is why our
life must be prayer-conditioned. Some say life is hope, because when there is
life, there is hope. Brethren, I will like to tell you that life is a loan and
not a gift. With a loan, ownership is retained but with a gift, ownership is

” One day all of us will pay. God is a lender of this
life. Genesis 2 vs 7 says” And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the
ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a
living soul” Job 33 vs 4 says” The spirit of God hath made me and the
breath of the Almighty God hath given me life”

“Some people have the privilege to have it as a long time
loan, while some have it as a short time loan. Whether life is long or short,
what is most important is for us to end it well. I pray that we shall all live
long and end well in Jesus  name.

” Because one day the lender of life will come for it.
And it doesn’t matter what you are doing. Once he come for it, you can’t ask
him to give you extra seconds. Eccl 12 vs 7 say “Then shall the dust
return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave

Unfortunately, life has no duplicate. One day, there will be
no tomorrow. There is a time of arrival and there is a time of departure, Eccl
3 vs 6 is my witness. And it Says” there is a time to be born and there is
a time to die. You will not die in Jesus name. The tribulations of life are not
based on alphabetical order. God doesn’t take away those whose name starts with
A before people whose name start with E. If that has been God’s method, many of
us would have changed our names to Zebra.

“Unfortunately, many people use their lives carelessly
as if they owned it. Every story no matter how long has an ending. Life can be
enjoyed or endured. Are you enjoying life or you are enduring life? Some people
enjoy this life and they will forget God. Unfortunately, at the end of the day,
life will begin to enjoy them. Life can be wasted and anybody who wastes time,
wastes life because time is life.

Life can be prolonged. Nobody prays to die even those who
pray to make heaven.  And if you don’t
want to die, how will you make heaven? The secret of long life includes the

Keeping on obeying God’s commandment. That will guarantee
long life. I Kings 3 vs14 is my witness. God told Solomon ” if thou will walk
in my ways, to keep my statues and my commandments, as thy father David did
walk, then I will lengthen thy days”

When you obey Gods commandments, you will live long.

Proverb 3 vs. I to 2 say” my son, forget not my law;
but let thine heart keep my commandments. For length days, and long life, and
peace, shall they add to thee” 

Proverb 4 vs. 10″Hear o my son, and receive my sayings;
and the years of thy life shall be many”

Fear God. Prov 10 vs 27 says” the fear of the lord
prolonged days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened”

People fear man but they don’t fear God. Many eyes look but
few eyes see.

Honor thy father and mother. Eph 6 vs 1to 3 say”
Children, obey your parent in the lord: for this is right. Honor thy father and
mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with
thee, and thou may live long on the earth”

If you honour your father, mother and those who are superior
to you, the Bible says you will live long.

Leave covetousness. Covetousness here means an envious
eagerness to possess something. It is an extreme greed. Proverbs 28 vs 16 says
“the prince  that wanteth understanding
is also a great oppressor; but he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his

In conclusion, death will come
one day. Are we prepared. Although it is good to celebrate, but we are not
going to live forever. One day, the loaner or the lender of life will come for
it. And if that is soon, where are you going to spend eternity. An occasion
like this is relevant. We need to remind ourselves where we are going to spend
eternity. Eternity in heaven or eternity in hell. And Jesus is so touched about
this. He doesn’t want to lose any of us. That is why he said come unto me, all
you that labored and of heavy laden and I will give you rest.

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