The Glamour And The Glory Of The Presidential Wedding Between Faith Sakwe And Godswill Edward

year had just started but there will be very few weddings that will beat that
of Faith Elizabeth Sakwe, the daughter of Nigeria’s President, Goodluck Ebele
Jonathan and businessman, Prince Godswill Osim Edward.

pair who confessed that what they have for each other is true unconditional
love had not granted any interview during or after their highly publicized
nuptials. But in true OVATION style we convinced them to reveal their love
story for this special publication. Enjoy this exclusive interview with a
couple that see each other as friends who want to live happily as husband and
wife forever.

Thanks for the opportunity to be able to
interview both of you. Did all the activities go as beautifully as planned

First of all, let me thank you for your time. Indeed, it was beautiful. It was
exciting because you see, what I tell people is that, ‘ When you see God’s hand
in something, there is no way it will not turn out beautifully.’ When destiny
comes to play, everything goes effortlessly. What do you call beauty? Beauty is
anything you can enjoy that can fill your whole being with joy and sees you
dancing as everything you have planned flows into success and happiness. You
know that there are no hitches or loopholes. That is beauty. I will say that,
because God’s hand is involved in the whole affair, God has seen us through.
Like I keep telling people about this our union, His faith has brought about
the manifestation of God’s will. So, when God’s will is at play, you should
expect beauty. It was more than beautiful. It was the will of God in full

I have covered so many weddings in my years
as a Journalist, I can see tha the friendship, not even love now, the
friendship between both of you is genuine, how did this all start

Faith: It all
started back in school; he was in his final year and I was just a fresher. I
was naïve about the school’s system and I needed a guardian to put me through.
The next day, when I went to school, I met him and we became friends, just like
that. He was guiding me through the school’s system and keeping my head
straight and keeping me focused. We became close friends. There were no strings
attached at first but from friends it developed into what we now have.

were not studying the same course, were you

Godswill: No,
we were not. I was studying History and International Relations. She was in the
Faculty of Law while I was in the Faculty of Arts.

what stage did it occur to you that this is the woman you want to settle down

Godswill: It
is very difficult to find young ladies who are humble, down-to-earth and
attached to vision. She is quite young but she knows what she wants out of
life. Back then, I did not know her background but when I eventually discovered
her background, I thought to myself that this girl has undoubtedly has got a
good home training.

Faith: I never
told him who I was or where I was coming from. I went into the school as a
different person because I wanted real friends, people who would relate to me
based on who I really am and not because of where I am coming from. I went to
school on a low profile. It took about two years for him to get to know who I
really was.


You were talking about her home training

Godswill: What
struck me was the humility of her parents, especially her dad. Both of them do
not despise people and do not judge you based on your background. When I got to
know her background, then I realized that she was indeed from a good home for
her to have kept a low profile in school. I

see that she was certainly a replica of her parents. That is rare these days. I
could guide her and tell her what to do and what not to do and she would
listen. Her submissiveness impressed me, because I thought to myself, what more
could a man be looking for in a woman? There were a lot of things that young
ladies of her age were doing but she chose to stay focused. One very important
thing again was that, she loves children; hand her your child and in two hours,
you will fail to recognise that child. She will not mind spending the last cash
on her for that baby.

of all, I know I am going somewhere in life and I need a woman who can take
care of my kids and not a woman who is out on the streets while I am also out
on the streets. At the end of the day, what we become in life is not for
ourselves but for those children. Our parents succeeded in raising humble and
God-fearing kids, we should also raise a generation that will be like us or
better than us. I saw a partner; I saw someone that can help me raise a family.
I saw someone I could spend the rest of my life with. I did not want to delay.

What was your first meeting with his parents


Faith: They are
such wonderful people that any daughter-in-law would wish for. They are very
friendly and nice people. The first time his mum saw me, she had no idea who I
was and she did not despise me. He brought me home as a friend then. She told
him then, ‘This girl is my daughter. I cannot explain it but my spirit likes
her.’ That was how I bonded with his parents.


When she took you home for the first time,
what was it like

Godswill: Her
mum started to play the role of a mother, almost immediately. She always gave
me advice. She wanted to be part of everything. It went stage by stage. She was
awesome. She accepted me and was like a mother, advising and guiding me. They
gave me the best support I could have needed. We thank God that at the end of
the day, she is mine forever.

Could you describe her in a few words


Godswill: She
is humble, intelligent, focused and beautiful.

Him in a few words

Faith: He is
handsome, humble as well, charitable, nice and most importantly, caring.


What was your prayer to God at Yenagoa when
you went to seal it up the traditional way

Faith: My prayer
to God was that everything from Bayelsa to Abuja would be successful. I prayed
that there would be no accidents or deaths, because most times, you hear of
crashes and all, when people are traveling to weddings. I prayed for smooth and
successful event devoid of such incidents. And I am happy Godswill was done.

They say the way to a man’s heart is through
his stomach, how many of your traditional dishes does Faith know how to prepare


makes Affang soup. My best soup is Egusi and she makes it perfectly. I hardly
eat any other soup and she is perfect at it.


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