40 Hearty Cheers For Stylish Mrs. Blessing Mutu

Life is good and in spite of the numerous challenges that it
throws up, life gives almost in equal measure, if not more, causes to be
grateful at every turn. It was one of such joyous moments of gratitude that
presented itself when Abuja-based businesswoman, Mrs. Blessing Mutu, was
celebrated by her husband, family and friends as she clocked 40.

The beautiful and brilliant wife of Hon. Nicholas Ebomo Mutu, OFR, a honourable
member of the National Assembly representing Bomadi/Patani Federal
of Delta

State at the Federal
House of Representatives, was all smiles on that special day as esteemed guests
stormed their Apo Zone A Legislative Quarters residence in the Federal Capital
Territory (FCT), Abuja to celebrate her life and rejoice with her. Hon. Nicholas
Mutu, who is the Chairman, House Committee on the Niger Delta Development Commission
(NDDC) and who happens to be one of the few federal legislators to have been
House members since Nigeria’s return to democracy in 1999, was filled with so
much joy and excitement and the love between husband and wife shone through majestically
for all to see. The bond they share was a beauty to behold.


Decorated splendidly by I
AM Events
, the venue wore a superb look. It was charming and
convivial for the illustrious guests that turned up including Mr.
Peter Nwaoboshi (PDP Chairman, Delta State) and former Niger Delta
Affairs Minister, Elder Godsday Orubebe amongst others. Pastor
David Adesina opened the event with a prayer as Master of Ceremonies,
MC Eneche steered proceedings expertly. Captain Sinebe who was
Chairman of the occasion extolled the many virtues of the
celebrant who was obviously delighted by the honour.

The Chairman described Mrs. Mutu as a resourceful woman of vision, a strong pillar
of support for her husband, a brilliant example for her children and the perfect
model for women all over to pattern their lives after.

The Man of God who delivered the birthday charge identified the celebrant as a
living example of the Proverbs 31

woman, asking
rhetorically, “A virtuous woman, who can find?” The Pastor then proceeded
to state that Hon. Mutu had succeeded in answering that question because he had
found and married a virtuous woman.

The Minister charged the celebrant to keep loving God and to keep making Christ
the cornerstone and bedrock of her life, family and business. He thanked God
that in this age of rising divorce rates, the celebrant’s marriage was growing
stronger and attributed their marital success thus far to the ,grace and glory
of God charging them

to continue in the
Vineyard of their creator. The man of God prayed that the celebrant would grow
in knowledge and wisdom and that God would bless her family with divine health
and continued prosperity.


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