Happy Father Chidi Mokeme And Wife, Jean Celebrate The Arrival Of Their Baby Noah

Top Nigeria Actor and TV Personality, Chidi Mokeme is one of the happiest
people on earth. Reason?

his lovely wife, Jean,
whom he met during President Barack Obama’s Inauguration in 2008 has been
delivered of a baby boy! Fondly called GQ because of his penchant for turning
out in stylish outfits, Mokeme, who called
Ovation with so
much excitement to break the news, granted us this exclusive interview and also
released never-before-seen pictures of this rare moment of indescribable joy when
the bundle of love arrived and his

mother’s baby bump


Tell us about the experience of carrying your baby in your arms.What came
through your mind when you saw him

It was an awesome
experience. The whole nine months of expectations and watching my wife go
through all the physical and hormonal changes all came down to this one moment.
He came out screaming, announcing his arrival and presence, loud and clear.
When I saw him and held him in my hands, the only thing running through my mind
at that moment was that this indeed is the greatest miracle of nature. This is
the moment

that God gives mankind a
taste of creation. It was just awesome. Awesome!


Where you there with your wife every step of the way including the

Oh yeah I was there all
the way. Even though through the pregnancy, I was in and out of the country
taking care of work commitments, but I put everything else on hold two months
before delivery so I can be available 24hours everyday till that awesome
moment. I wasn’t going to miss it for anything. I was right there in the
delivery room watching the whole process. I even joke that I cheated her
because she did the whole work for nine months but I got to see him first
before she did. On a more serious note though, witnessing the final moments
brings with it a renewed respect for my wife and indeed for all women and


Where was the baby born, give us the juicy details

The baby was born at The
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. He
arrived at

9:03pm on the 11th of
March 2015. Delivery date was originally forecast to be on the 7th of March but
I guess he wanted to arrive on my birthday which was on the 17th of March or at
least as close to that as possible (laughs heartily)


How will you describe fatherhood so far

It’s been great. The
feeling of watching the transition as the days go past is one that is better
experienced. It’s not really something that can be explained. It’s an ongoing
experience. A journey of continuous discovery but nevertheless one that I am
very glad to have the privilege of going through.



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